Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hacked Again!

It’s just a reality for all of us who use social networking -- it's not a matter of IF your Twitter or Facebook account will be hacked, but simply WHEN. I've heard from my friends whose accounts have been hacked. The message typically compliments me on being a great friend or requests me to click on a link to view a video of myself. Also, there are usually a number of misspellings in the message.

Be very careful when you get those kinds of messages, even when they are coming from trusted friends who would normally not engage in this type of behavior. Many of the messages are linked to a virus or some type of malware that either infects your computer or will gain access to your account and send all of your friends and followers spammie messages, yes this has happened to me (grr). If you do slip and click on one of these links, pay attention to what your virus scanning software tells you, especially if you get a security warning about a site don’t just click the “close” because it’s a pop-up, it shows up for a reason! So while doing research on how to prevent or protect us from happening again, I have collected a step by step instructions on what to do.

Twitter Accounts

1. Log out of Twitter

2. Visit twitter help center on “My Account Has Been Compromised”.

3. As always “Clear Your Browser Cache (your browsing history and cookies and private info) and close 

   down your browser. Doing a weekly sweep would be good.

4. Open a new browser window, log into Twitter, and change your password. You can also use the 

    Twitter password reset feature to set a new password before logging in again. Wanting to know how 

    often you should change your password click here

5. Visit your settings page and check your Connections. Revoke access for any third-party application 

    that you don't recognize.

6. Submit a support request to let them know you have taken all of the proper steps to reset your

    account and request that your direct messaging capability be restored.

7. Update your password in all of your third party applications as well. If a third party application (like

    Tweetdeck, Hootesuite, Twitterrific, Twhirl, etc.) is trying to use your old password to access your 

    tweets, it will lock you out of your account.

Facebook Accounts


1. Visit Facebook's information for resolution.

2. If you are still able to access your login email address, then use the "Forgot your password" link to

    prompt an email from Facebook with a password reset code.

3. Clear your browser cache (your browsing history and cookies and private info) and close down your

    browser as described above. (using the same steps above)

4. Your account could also have been phished/hacked by a phishing web site, worm, or malicious  

    software. To ensure that all is safe again, refer to the "Warnings" section on Facebook.

Like Oprah says “trust your intuition, and if something doesn't look or feel right, delete it before clicking on it”  well sort of J. You will have probably saved yourself hours or headache in trying to restore a hacked account as well as “hey, I keep on getting these emails from you, why is that?”

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

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