Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AFTER THOUGHTS: Twitter 140TC Seattle March 8th, 2010

I am just saying………

I was so excited about the Twitter Conference here in Seattle! I went to the first one in California last year.

The Seattle Conference started at 8:30am and ended about 6:00pm. If I were to grade it I would give it a C+. Now I know most people might think that is pretty harsh, but for me and experiencing the California one, I am sorry, but it wasn’t as good. I certainly appreciate the efforts on bring it here, but the information, format, conversations, and yes even the keynote speakers were weak.

I tried to find something good to write about it and really struggled with what stood out for me and honestly I couldn’t really find anything. I was hoping to hear about more tools, developers to showcase their apps, branding ideas, and with the cost of the event and taking a full day off work it was a big disappointment for me.

Although it’s cool to see that I tweeted the most during the conference, I just wish my tweets were more about what I was learning instead of what I wasn’t learning.


What I DID Enjoyed:


Afternoon Discussion Panel: The Media Panel: Social Media Stories from the Front Lines

Panelists and Handles: Monica Guzman, Linda Thomas, Cliff DesPeaux, Jenni Hogan, Moderator: Sean Demery

Keynote Speaker: Dom Sagolla helped create Twitter while working for Odeo in 2006 and the Author of “@thebook  140 Characters”

The location was awesome Bell Harbor International Conference Center

The Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Drinks was very good.

The speakers/discussions felt more as if it’s was a “coffee chat” and honestly the energy was low and less exciting, maybe because there was reports of snow outside.

The most exciting part of the conference was when #Mashable RT #HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes announced that its popular Twitter application will be integration with both #MySpace and #Foursquare.

It was amazing how fast it took off, but at the same time… it was very annoying to have it take over the conference conversation, luckily it was at the tail end of the day!

There was a “tweet-up” (a afterhours twitter social, for the 2 who never used twitter before) after the conference, but I decided not to go based on what I experienced at the conference it felt already a tweet-up but without the alcohol.

At the end of the day, I was bummed out, although I am hoping for the 2 people who never used twitter before, got something out of it and joined.

Question? Will I stop going to Twitter Conference 140C – HELL NO, I just hope that the bar will be raised to meet the demands of the experienced twitter users out there!

I am just saying……..

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

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