5. Transparency – Recruiters will ask straightforward questions, but are sometimes met with less-than-forthcoming answers. Why is this? Well, some say because candidates become shy about circumstances in their past that didn’t go so well. Here is some straight advice: better that the recruiter know what may have happened now, than having to do damage control later. If there’s a issues in your career, don’t hide it. Step up and discuss it with your recruiter; let us work with you. We can help you frame the situation for the hiring manager, if asked questions about it during your interview. Maybe you were affected by the economy and was terminated. Fine. But let’s look at what you learned from the experience. Have you improved as a result of it? Or maybe you walked out for a reason. Why? Or maybe it’s something else entirely. In any case, it’s better that we know upfront on a sensitive situation before your get too far along in the recruiting process, so that we’re not blindsided later if the hiring manager finds out about your history somehow before we do. It happens from time to time, and it’s feels like a pie in the face for us recruiters. Be Up Front!
6. Courtesy – When reaching out to us and you’re asking for our help, then please don’t treat us like “the help.” If you must, at least insult us behind our backs—not cool, but fine. Hiring managers come to us for a variety of reasons, and they know how best to work with us. It is unacceptable for job seekers to display their annoyance that they have to “go through” a recruiter to be submitted for a position. Ask yourself this question – “Would I rather have a recruiter do their best to offer me insight into the position that may not be found in the job description and have them give me feedback on my resume or interviewing prepping OR would I rather just take my chances by blindly sending a resume to into the database in hopes that someone will see my name on a piece of paper?" We are here to help you, so play nice in the sandbox.
7. Patience - It’s not personal, it’s the truth. Most recruiters are working on multiple reqs from 15 to 30 open positions or more at any given time, some may be new and others may be drawing to a close. There are days we are instantly accessible to take your call and have a long chat about your desired career path; and other days we’re in back-to-back interviews or meetings from when we arrive until when we go home. Please be patient with us about getting back to you. Recruiters are not ignoring you, just working on many multiple projects. However, if you don’t hear back from us in a day or two, then please follow up with another voice message or email. You are important.
8. Humor – Yes, we’re asking a lot. Being friendly and having a smile in your voice goes a long way. It's important, not only in working through the understandably stressful career transition you’re undertaking, but also in making a positive impression with the hiring team. Everyone wants to work with happy co-workers. No one looks forward to working with ol' grump the next office. So approach us and our client hiring team with a smile and the ability to laugh at things.